Preliminary designs for Phase One of Ponsonby Plaza – the new civic space at 254 Ponsonby Road

It is with the greatest of pleasure that the Community-Led Design Group (CLDG) can now share the Preliminary design for Phase One of the new civic space at 254 Ponsonby Road with you all. 

‘Phase One will deliver the essential elements of the civic space, including landscaping, repurposing the existing forecourt canopy structure to provide a space for markets and events, and installing new public toilet facilities’.
Funding for Phase One is through an endowment fund and is only available for this project*.

The Waitematā Local Board at their October Business Meeting**, approved the preliminary design that LandLAB has developed in conjunction with Mana Whenua and the design group. The Board also approved proceeding with the procurement & delivery of the enabling works package. This allows for the site preparation to be actioned ahead of the build. On-site work is planned to commence in February next year.

The Preliminary design is now being further refined and progressed into a Detailed Design.

About Jennifer Ward 154 Articles


    • Hi Keith

      Great question thanks.
      LandLAB have included a series of screens/plantings on the southern side of the covered area and down to the “garden room” area at the western end to provide windbreak and shelter from rainfall from that direction for the covered area. All weather use is a strong aspect of the design brief.

      These aspects are part of the design, but exactly how they will look will come with the final design step.

      We are expecting the look will reflect some part of the “flavour” coming from the “Rimu” concept associated with the history of the site, quite how that will look is a wait and see…

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