Ponsonby Park – December update

Yet one more year has sped by and here we are again in December! 2022 has been another crazy year with surprising twists and turns, so thankfully for most of us at least, the holiday season will soon be here.

The volunteer Community-Led Design (CLD) group is pleased to report that it’s been a satisfying year with the development of Ponsonby Park having progressed substantially. Phase One continues to progress through the planning and development process within Council, with physical works scheduled start date of July 2023.

Council timeline for the development of Ponsonby Park at 254 Ponsonby Road

At the time of writing, our CLD group is due to meet with our Ward Councillor, Mike Lee in late November. Mike is a longstanding and strong proponent of Ponsonby Park. He commented to our group’s Chair recently, “It certainly seems to be taking a long time but good to hear it is now moving ahead”. We look forward to working with Mike once again, as the project progresses. 

With the Phase One funding already in place, and crucially with the funds available and accessible now, we have the expectation this should happen smoothly. This is fortuitous, given the current high rates of inflation that could significantly undermine the purchasing power of the funds if there were any unnecessary delays. 

As the Ponsonby Park project aligns with all Council objectives, plans, and outcomes including; 

Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri – Auckland’s Climate Plan, 

Te Rautaki Ngahere ā-Tāone o Tāmaki Makaurau – Auckland’s Urban Ngahere (Forest) Strategy, 

Te Tahua Pūtea Tau 2021-2031 – The 10-year Budget 2021-2031 

Mahere Huarahi o Ponsonby – The Ponsonby Road Plan, as well as being the Waitematā Local Board’s “One Local Initiative” project (after years of sustained and well-supported community consultation*), we are confident that we are all systems GO.

2023 will be another busy year for the CLD group, as we collaborate through Phase One of the Ponsonby Park development. 

But for now, we would like to take this opportunity to thank EVERYONE who has been part of the Ponsonby Park journey to date; from the original members of the then Auckland City Council who had the vision to purchase the site in 2006, to the team who have continued to support the vision of the civic space through the retention of the entire site and the allocation of the endowment funding, to our previous Ward Councillor Pippa Coom and our current Ward Councillor Mike Lee. To the past and present members of the Waitematā Local Board and their support staff, but most importantly to YOU our community, who have consistently and continuously engaged with us throughout the Community-Led Design process, supporting us through this long journey, we THANK YOU. We could not have done it without you!

The realisation of Ponsonby Park, the new civic space at 254 Ponsonby Road, is now underway and it will be a place of diversity and inclusion, where EVERYONE is welcome. It will be an urban oasis that will be good for people, the environment, and for greater Auckland. We hold to the vision that this beautiful civic space will be a taonga for residents, visitors and local businesses to access, enjoy, and flourish.

Our volunteer CLD group wishes you all a happy and safe holiday season, full of good cheer, rest and relaxation and we look forward to continuing our volunteer advocacy work for the new civic space at 254 Ponsonby Road that is Ponsonby Park, with shovels in the ground next year.


* Correction to November update – 1,208 People responded to the 3rd CLD consultation, not 208 as reported.

About Jennifer Ward 154 Articles

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