Ponsonby Plaza – November update.

It is with the greatest of pleasure that the Community-Led Design Group (CLDG) can now share the Preliminary design for phase one of the new civic space at 254 Ponsonby Road with you all. 

“Phase one will deliver the essential elements of the civic space, including landscaping, repurposing the existing forecourt canopy structure to provide a space for markets and events, and installing new public toilet facilities”.

Funding for Phase One is through an endowment fund that is only available for this project* and is therefore not impacted by Auckland Council’s ongoing financial challenges and the upcoming 10-year budget.

The Waitematā Local Board at their October Business Meeting** approved the preliminary design that LandLAB has developed in conjunction with Mana Whenua and the design group. The Board also approved proceeding with the procurement & delivery of the enabling works package. This allows for the site preparation to be actioned ahead of the build. On-site work is planned to commence in February next year (2024).


Below are the Preliminary design images. Please see our website 254ponsonbyrd.org.nz for additional visuals and information.

After more than 8 long years of volunteer advocacy work to achieve this much-needed and desired civic open space, the CLDG warmly congratulates the Waitematā Local Board for achieving this significant project milestone. 

The Ponsonby civic space will be an urban oasis that will be good for the people, good for the environment, and good for Tāmaki Makaurau.

Bring it on!


**https://infocouncil.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/Open/2023/10/20231017_WTM_AGN_11844.PDF Page 23, Item 14

About Jennifer Ward 154 Articles

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